List of publications
Complex Disordered Systems/Glasses
- 1. T. Nakayama
Tunneling States in the Amorphous Thin Films at Low Temperatures: Thermal and Acoustical Properties of Amorphous Thin Films
Phys. Rev. B 14. 4670 (1976).
- 2. T. Nakayama
Surface-Phonon-Assisted Tunneling in the Two-dimensional Amorphous Systems at Low Temperatures
Solid State Commun. 20, 7211 (1976).
- 3. T. Nakayama and R. L. Orbach
On the increase of thermal conductivity in glasses above the plateau region
Physica B 263&264, pp.261-263 (1999).
- 4. T. Nakayama
Strongly localized modes as the origin of the Bose peak in glasses
Physica B 263&264, pp.243-247 (1999).
- 5. M. Yamaguchi , T. Nakayama, and T. Yagi
Effects of high pressure on the Bose peak in a-GeS2
Physica B 263&264, pp.258-260 (1999).
- 6. T. Nakayama and R. Orbach
Anharmonicity and thermal transport in network glasses
Europhys. Lett. 47(4), pp.468-473 (1999).
- 7. T. Nakayama
Microscopic buckling and low-energy dynamics in glasses
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 68(11), pp.3540-3555 (1999).
- 8. T. Nakayama
Boson peak and terahertz frequency dynamic in vitreous silica
Reports on Progress in Physics 65, pp. 1195-1242 (2002).
- 9. T. Nakayama
Microscopic buckling as an origin of the boson peak in network glasses
Physica B316, pp. 497-499 (2002).
- 10. T. Nakayama
The role of buckled molecules for THz dynamics of network glasses
J. Non-Cryst. Solids 307, pp. 73-79 (2002).
- 11. W. J. Tian, T. Nakayama, J. P. Huang, and K. W. Yu
Scaling behaviors in settling processes of fractal aggregates in water
Europhysics Letters 78: 46001-p.1-5, 2007
- 12. T. Nakayama and E. Kaneshita,
Interacting Dipoles in Type-I Clathrates: Why glass-like though Crystalline?,
Europhysics Letters, Vol.84(2008) 66001-pp.1-5.
- 13. E. Kaneshita and T. Nakayama,
Glass-like Thermal-transport in Symmetry-Broken Clathrates,
Europhysics Letters, Vol. 86(2009) 56004-pp.1-6.
- 14. T. Nakayama,
THz Frequency Dynamics of Network/guest Atom Systems: Liquid Water, Clathrates, and Network Glasses
Nuclear Instr.and Methods in Physics Research, A, Vol. 600(2009) No.1, pp.267-269.
- 15. T. Nakayama and E. Kaneshita,
Glass-like behaviors of clathrate compounds as thermoelectric materials and their physical origin
Reports of Toyota Physical and Chemical Research Institute, Vol.63 (2010), pp.63-69.
- 16. T. Nakayama and E. Kaneshita
Significance of Off-center Rattling for Emerging Low-lying THz Modes in Type-I Clathrates
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 80 (2011) 104604-pp.1-7.
- 17. T. Nakayama and E. Kaneshita
Emergence of Glass-like THz Frequency libration Modes in Type-I Clathrates: Theory
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (accepted for publication)
Dynamics of Fractal Structures
- 1. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Fractons in Percolation Clusters
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol.26, p.883 (1987).
- 2. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Absence of the Hump in the DOS of Percolating Clusters
Phys. Rev. B 36, p.8933 (1987).
- 3. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Superlocalization of Fractons: Direct Observations by Supercomputer
Synergetics 43 (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg), 217 (1989).
- 4. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Direct Observation of Localized Fractons Excited on Percolating Nets
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, 1504 (1989).
- 5. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Fracton Dynamics of Percolating Networks: Energy Spectrum and Localized Nature
Phys. Rev. B 40, 517 (1989).
- 6. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Perspectives on Fracton Dynamics (in Japanese)
The Monthly Membership Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 44, 833 (1989).
- 7. T. Nakayama, K. Yakubo and R. Orbach
Characteristics of Fractons: from Specific Realization to Ensemble Averages
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, 1891 (1989).
- 8. T. Nakayama
New Aspects of Fracton Dynamics from Supercomputer Simulations
Proc. 3rd Inter. Conf. on Phonon Physics: Phonons 89 (World Scientific Publishing), p.646 (1989).
- 9. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Density of States of Vector Fractons for Percolating Nets
Proc. 3rd Inter. Conf. on Phonon Physics: Phonons 89 (World Scientific Publishing), p.682 (1989).
- 10. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Percolating Networks and Fracton Dynamics (in Japanese)
Solid State Physics 25, 141 (1990).
- 11. K. Yakubo, K. Takasugi and T. Nakayama
Crossover Behavior from Vector to Scalar Fractons in the Density of State of Percolating Networks
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 59, No.6, 1909 (1990).
- 12. K. Yakubo, E. Courtens and T. Nakayama
Missing Modes in the Density of States of Fractal Networks
Phys. Rev. B 42, No.1, 1078 (1990).
- 13. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
Density of States of Fractons on Percolating Networks
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Chemical Sciences, 102, No.5, 575 (1990).
- 14. K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Superlocalization of Fracton Wavefunctions Excited on Percolating Networks
Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences – Chemical Sciences, 102, No.5, 581 (1990).
- 15. K. Yakubo, T. Nakayama and H. J, Maris
Analysis of a New Method for Calculating Single Eigenmode from very Large Lattice Systems
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60, No.10, 3249 (1991).
- 16. T. Nakayama
Dynamics of Random Fractals: Large Scale Simulations
Physica A 191, 386 (1992).
- 17. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
Dynamical Correlation Function of Fractal Networks: Computer Experiments
American Institute of Physics Conf. Proc. 256, Slow Dynamics in Condensed Matter,
edited by K. Kawasaki, M. Tokuyama, and T. Kawakatsu (American Institute of Physics,New York) p.279 (1992).
- 18. K. Yakubo, T. Terao and N. Nakayama
Spectral Dimension of Percolating Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 62, No.7, pp.2200-2203 (1993).
- 19. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
Dynamic Structure Factor and Its Single-Length Scaling for Random Fractal Structures
Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter VII, edited by M. Meissner and R. O. Pohl (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1993) pp.213-214.
- 20. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
Dynamical Structure Factor and Single-Length Scaling for Random Fractals
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. vol. 61, 2601 (1992).
- 21. T. Nakayama
Dynamics of Fractal Structures (in Japanese)
The Monthly Membership Journal of the Physical Society of Japan vol. 48, 528 (1993).
- 22. T. Nakayama
Vibrational Problems of Fractal Lattices: Large-Scale Simulations (in Japanese)
Kagaku (Science) vol.63, No.9, 576 (1993).
- 23. T. Nakayama
Vibrational Problems of Fractal Networks
Fractals, vol. 1 No.4, 806 (1993).
- 24. T. Terao, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Dynamical Structure Factor of Percolating Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
Fractals, vol. 1 No.4, 917 (1993).
- 25. K. Yakubo, T. Terao, and T. Nakayama
Antiferromagnetic Fractons and Its Spectral Dimension
Fractals, vol. 1 No.4, 881 (1993).
- 26. T. Terao, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Dynamical Structure Factor and its Scaling Property of Percolating Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
Phys. Rev. B 49, No. 17, 12281 (1994).
- 27. T. Nakayama
Fracton Dimensions for Elastic and Antiferromagnetic Percolating Networks
Soft Order in Physical Systems edited by R. Bruinsma and I. Rabin (NATO ASI Series, Plenum Press, NY, 1994) pp. 181-185.
- 28. T. Nakayama, K. Yakubo and R. Orbach
Dynamical Properties of Fractal Networks: Scaling, Numerical Simulations, and Physical Realizations
Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, No.2, 381 (1994).
- 29. K. Yakubo, T. Terao, and T. Nakayama
Spin-wave Dynamics of Percolating Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 63, No. 9, 3431 (1994).
- 30. T. Terao, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Numerical Method for Large-scale non-Hermitian Matrices and Its Application to Percolating Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
Phys. Rev. E 50, No. 1, 566 (1994).
- 31. T. Nakayama
Physics of Complex Systems (in Japanese)
Bussei- Kenkyu(Condensed Matter Physics) vol. 63, No. 1 pp. 1-48 (1994).
- 32. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
On the Double-peak Structure of the Dynamical Structure Factor in Diluted Heisenberg Antiferromagnets
Phys. Rev. B 51, 11479 (1995).
- 33. T. Nakayama
Elastic Vibrations of Fractal Networks
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 34, 2519 (1995).
- 34. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
Power-law Dependence on Frequency of the Raman-scattering Intensity of Percolating Networks
Phys. Rev. B 53, R2918 (1996).
- 35. K. Yakubo, M. Nakano, and T. Nakayama
Fracton Decay in Nonlinear Fractal Systems
Physica B 219 and 220, 351 (1996).
- 36. Y. Hobiki, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Fractal Drums and the Weyl-Berry-Lapidus conjecture
Physica B 219 and 220, 354 (1996).
- 37. Y. Hobiki, K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Spectral Characteristics in Resonators with Fractal Boundaries
Physical Review E 54 1997 (1996).
- 38. T. Terao, T. Nakayama, and H. Aoki
Multifractal Analysis of Critical Wavefunctions: Quantum Hall Systems
Solid State Physics Vol. 32, 671(1997), in Japanese.
- 39. T. Terao an T. Nakayama
Observation of antiferromagnetic fractons: Analysis of inelastic neutron scattering experiments
Phys. Rev. B 66 (13), 132409 (2002).
- 40. T. Nakayama and T. Terao
Antiferromagnetic fractons observed by inelastic neutron scattering experiments
Journal of Neutron Research 12(4) 263-266(2004)
- 41. T. Nakayama
Fractal structures in condensed matter physics
Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, (Springer-Verlag, 2009) pp.3787-3893.
- 42. S. Itoh, T.Nakayama, R. Kajimoto, and M. A. Adams,
Single-Length-Scaling Analysis for Antiferomagnetic Fractons in Dilute Heisenberg System RbMn0.4Mg0.6F3
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 78 (2009) 013707-pp.1-4.
- 43. S. Itoh, T. Nakayama, and M. A. Mark
Antiferomagnetic Fractons in Dilute Heisenberg System RbMn0.4Mg0.6F3 and RbMn0.4Mg0.6F3
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, Vol. 80 (2011) 104704-pp.1-7.
- 44. S. Itoh, T. Nakayama, and M. A. Mark
Antiferomagnetic Fractons in Percolating Magnets
Neutron Science ( in Japanese), (accepted for publication)
Localization Problems/High-Tc Superconductors
- 1. T. Ishibashi and T. Nakayama
Effects of Oxygen stoichiometry for Anisotropic Structural Change in Oriented YBa2Cu3Ox
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 27, L1467 (1988).
- 2. S. Tanda and T. Nakayama
Bose-glass Phase in High-Tc Nd-Ce-Cu-O Thin Films (in Japanese)
Solid State Physics 27, 348 (1992).
- 3. S. Tanda, S. Ohzeki and T. Nakayama
Bose-glass-Vortex-glass Phase Transition and Dynamic Scaling for High-Tc Nd2−xCexCuO4 Thin Films
Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 530 (1992).
- 4. M. Honma, S. Tanda and T. Nakayama
Electron Tunneling into Epitaxial Films of Nd2−xCexCuO4
Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 1724 (1992).
- 5. T. Terao, K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Localization Exponents of Waves in Percolation Systems
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 61, 2173 (1992).
- 6. M. Takano, K. Yakubo and T. Nakayama
Numerical Achievement of Strong Localization of Light in Optical Waveguides with Aperiodic Grating
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31, L839 (1992).
- 7. S. Tanda M. Honma and T. Nakayama
Critical Sheet Resistance Observed in High-Tc Oxide-Superconductor Nd2−xCexCuO4 Thin Films
Phys. Rev. B 43, No.10, 8725 (1991).
- 8. S. Tanda, S. Ozeki, M. Honma, A. Ohi and T. Nakayama
Superconductor-Insulator Transition in Nd2−xCexCuO4 Single Crystal Thin Films
Physica C 185, 1323 (1991).
- 9. S. Tanda, S. Ohzeki and T. Nakayama
Longitudinal Negative Magnetoresistance in Nd2−xCexCuO4: Evidence for Kondo- like Behavior
Physica B 194-196, 1967 (1994).
- 10. S. Tanda, K. Takahashi and T. Nakayama
Scaling of the Conductivity of Nd2CuO4−x−δFx Single Crystals: Experimental Evidence for 2D Fermi Liquid Behavior
Physica B 194-196, 1961 (1994).
- 11. T. Nakayama, K. Yakubo and M. Takano
Strong Localization of Photons in Aperiodic Optical Waveguides
Phys. Rev. B 47, No.15, 9249 (1993).
- 12. S. Tanda, K. Takahashi, and T. Nakayama
Scaling Behavior of the Conductivity of Nd2CuO4−x−δFx Single Crystals: Evidence for Orthogonal Symmetry
Phys. Rev. B 49, No. 13, 9260 (1994).
- 13. K. Inagaki, S. Tanda, and T. Nakayama
Nonlinear Conductivity of Bi2Sr2CuO6 Single Crystals
Physica C 235-240, 1361 (1994).
- 14. T. Maeno, K. Kagawa, S. Tanda, and T. Nakayama
Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling in YBa2Cu3O7−δ Thin Films
Physica C 235-240, 3321 (1994).
- 15. T. Terao, T. Nakayama, and H. Aoki
Multifractality of the Quantum Hall Wave Functions in Higher Landau Levels
Physical Review B 54, 10350 (1996).
- 16. S. Tanda and T. Nakayama
Variable Range Hopping Transport near the Superconductor-Insulator Transition observed in Nd2−xCexCuO4 Thin Films
Phil. Mag. Lett. 72, 223 (1995).
- 17. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Finite-Time Scaling for the 3d Anderson Transition
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 67, 2189 (1998).
- 18. S. Tanda, K. Kagawa, T. Maeno, T. Nakayama, K. Yamaya, A. Ohi, and N. Hatakenaka
Possibility of macroscopic resonant tunneling near the superconductor-insulator transition in YBa2Cu3O7 thin films
Europhysics Letters. 41, 425 (1998).
- 19. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Critical behavior of ac conductivity near the Anderson transition
Phys. Rev. B 60(20), pp.14066-14071 (1999).
- 20. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Anderson transition in 3D systems
Progress of Therotical Physics Supplement 138, pp.515-516 (2000).
- 21. H. Shima,K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Dynamic conductivity in a 2D random magnetic field
Physica B 298(1-4), pp.74-78 (2001).
- 22. H. Shima, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Quantum transport in a long-range random magnetic fields
Computer Physcis Communications 142(1-3), pp. 424-428 (2001).
- 23. H. Shima, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Quantum-interference effect on AC transport of electrons subject to long-range random magnetic fields
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn 70(9), pp.2682-2688 (2001).
- 24. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Localization-delocalization transition in one-dimensional electron systems with long-range correlated disorder
Phys. Rev. B70(7):07516-1-5(2004)
- 25. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Breakdown of Anderson localization in disordered quantum chains
Microelectronics Journal 36 (3-6): 422-424, 2005
- 26. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Correlation effects of quantum rotors in Ge crystals
Physica B-Condensed Matter 36: 157-160, 1 2006
- 27. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Metal-insulator transition in 1D correlated disorder
Topology in Ordered Phase (World Scientific, Singapore) 271-276, 2006
- 28. S. Nishino, H. Shima, and T. Nakayama,
Peculiar behaviors of excited modes in harmonic chains with correlated disorder,
Journal of Physics, Vol.92 (2007)pp.012156-012160.
Computational Physics/Numerical Simulations
- 1. T. Sakuma, T. Nakayama and F. Yoshida
Computer-Simulated Scattering of Envelope Soliton from Impurity and Interface in a One-dimensional Nonlinear Lattice
Proc. 2nd Internl. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Solids (Plenum, New York) p.51(1976).
- 2. F. Yoshida, T. Nakayama and T. Sakuma
Computer-Simulated Scattering of Lattice Solitons from Impurity at Free Boundary,
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 40, 901 (1976).
- 3. F. Yoshida, Y. Okwamoto and T. Nakayama
Thermodynamic Properties of Anisotropic Two-dimensional Sine-Gordon Lattice: Size Effect on Phonon Conduction
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 50, 1039 (1981).
- 4. F. Yoshida, Y. Okwamoto and T. Nakayama
Molecular-dynamics Calculations of Two-dimensional Sine-Gordon Lattice
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 51, 1329 (1982).
- 5. H. Kato, Y. Okwamoto and T. Nakayama
Two-dimensional Sine-Gordon Lattice with Fixed Winding Number: A Molecular Dynamics Study
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 52, 3334 (1983).
- 6. T. Nakayama, M. Takano, K. Yakubo and T. Yamanaka
Numerical Method for the Analysis of Optical Waveguides
Optics Lett. 17, No.5, 326 (1992).
- 7. H. Noro and T. Nakayama
Mode Analysis of Optical Waveguides: A New Approach
Optics Lett. 20, 1227 (1995).
- 8. Y. Hobiki, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
Spectral Distribution of Drums with Fractal Perimeters: The Weyl-Berry-Lapidus Conjecture
Phys. Rev. E 52, R1310 (1995).
- 9. T. Nakayama
Computing Very Large Large Matrices: The Forced Oscillator Method
Computational Physics as a New Frontier in Condensed Matter Research, edited by H. Takayama et al. (The Phys. Soc. Jpn., Tokyo, 1995) pp. 21-33.
- 10. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
An Efficient Method for Computing Response Functions for Large-Scale Vibrational Systems
Physica B 219 and 220, 357 (1996).
- 11. H. Noro, K. Fukushi, and T. Nakayama
Molecular Dynamics Approach to the Mode Analysis of Optical Waveguides
Japanese J. Appl. Phys. 35, 3226 (1996).
- 12. H. Noro and T. Nakayama
A New Approach to Scalar and Semivector Mode Analysis of Optical Waveguides
J. Lightwave Technology 14, 1546 (1996).
- 13. H. Noro and T. Nakayama
Unusual Molecular-Dynamical Method for Vector-Wave Analysis of Optical Waveguides
J. Opt. Soc. Am. (A) 14,1451(1997).
- 14. H. Noro and T. Nakayama
New Algorithm for the Mode Analysis of Optical Waveguides
The Member Journal of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, Vol. 67, 444 (1998).
- 15. T. Nakayama and H. Shima
Computing the Kubo Formula for Large Systems
Phys. Rev. E 58, 3984 (1998).
- 16. T. Nakayama and H. Shima
The forced oscillator method: Its applications to physical systems
RIKEN Review, 29(6), pp.16-19 (2000)
- 17. T. Nakayama
The forced oscillator method and the Kubo formula
Progress of Theoretical Physics, Supplement 138, pp.60-65 (2000).
- 18. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
The forced oscillator method: Eigenvalue analysis and computing linear response function
Physics Reports 349, pp.239-299 (2001).
- 19. H. Shima, H. Obuse, K. Yakubo, and T. Nakayama
The forced oscillator method incorporating the fast time-evolution algorithm
Computer Physics Communications 142(1-3), pp. 418-423 (2001).
- 20. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Acceleration of the forced oscillator method and its application to a model for glasses
Physica B316, pp. 521-523 (2002).
Low Temperature Physics
- 1. T. Nakayama
New Mechanism for the Kapitza Resistance
Proc. 6th Internl. Conf. on Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids.
(University of Tokyo Press) p.381 (1977).
- 2. T. Nakayama
Tunneling as a Mechanism for the Kapitza Resistance
Scientific Bulletin 2, 19 (1977).
- 3. T. Nakayama
The Kapitza Thermal Resistance and Tunneling States of Helium Atoms
J. Phys. C 17, 3273 (1977).
- 4. T. Nakayama
Tunneling as a Mechanism for the Anomalous Kapitza Resistance
J. de Physique 39, C6-256 (1978).
- 5. T. Nakayama
Perspectives on Kapitza Resistance (in Japanese)
The Monthly Membership Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 33, 408 (1978).
- 6. T. Nakayama
Kapitza Thermal Resistance (in Japanese)
Solid State Physics 15, 329 (1980).
- 7. T. Nakayama and F. W. Sheard
Absorption of Surface Phonons by Adsorbed Helium System on an Inhomogeneous Surface
Proc. 3rd Internl. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter (Plenum, New York) p.239 (1980).
- 8. T. Nakayama and N. Nishiguchi
Theory of Thermal Boundary Resistance between Small Particles and Liquid Helium: Size Effect on Phonon Conduction
Phys. Rev. B 24, 6421 (1981).
- 9. N. Nishiguchi and T. Nakayama
Theory of Thermal Boundary Resistance between Small Particles and Liquid Helium II: Normal Liquid 3He
Phys. Rev. B 25, 5278 (1982).
- 10. N. Nishiguchi and T. Nakayama
Thermal Resistance between Sintered Power-Liquid He3 Boundary
Solid State Commun. 45, 877 (1983).
- 11. T. Nakayama
Thermal Boundary Resistance between Small Particles and Liquid 3He
Proc. 4th Internl. Conf. on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, (Springer, Berlin) p.155 (1984).
- 12. T. Nakayama
Magnetic Kapitza Resistance and Surface Random Spins
Phys. Rev. B 29, 1436 (1984).
- 13. S. Saito, T. Nakayama and H. Ebisawa
Search for Magnetic Coupling between Adsorbed 3He and Small Copper Particles
Phys. Rev. B 31, 7475 (1985).
- 14. T. Nakayama
Diffuse Scattering of High-Frequency Phonons at Solid Surfaces
Phys. Rev. B 32, 777 (1985).
- 15. T. Nakayama
New Channels of Energy Transfer across a Solid-Liquid He Interface
J. Phys. C 18, L667 (1985).
- 16. T. Nakayama
Anomalous Kapitza Resistance at Millikelvin Temperatures (in Japanese)
The Monthly Membership Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 40, 956 (1985).
- 17. T. Nakayama
Magnetic Versus Nonmagnetic Mechanism for Thermal Boundary Conductance at Millikelvin Temperatures
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 55, 1054 (1986).
- 18. T. Nakayama
Scattering of High-Energy Phonons at Irregular Surfaces without and with Liquid Helium
Phys. Rev. B 33, 8664 (1986).
- 19. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
Damping of Phonons by Metal Particles Embedded in an Insulating Matrix
Solid State Science 68 (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg), 94 (1986).
- 20. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
Interaction between Phonons and 3He-quasiparticles in the 3He-4He Mixture Confined in Porous Media
Solid State Science 68 (Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg), 237 (1986).
- 21. T. Nakayama and K. Yakubo
Kapitza Resistance between Sintered Particles and He3-He4 Mixture
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 26, 375 (1987).
- 22. T. Nakayama
Magnetic Channel of the Kapitza Resistance for a Dilute 3He-4He Solution at Temperatures below 1mK
Phys. Rev. B 37, 5958 (1988).
- 23. T. Nakayama
Kapitza Thermal Boundary Resistance and Interactions of Quasiparticles with Surfaces
Progress in Low Temperature Physics XII (North-Holland Publishing, Amsterdam) p.115-191 (1989).
- 24. A. Ohi and T. Nakayama
Spin-Polarization Enhancement of Dilute 3He-4He Solutions through Porous Media
Phys. Rev. B1, 41, No.10, 7281 (1990).
- 25. A. Ohi and T. Nakayama
Diffusion of 3He Quasiparticles in Dilute 3He-4He Solution Confined in Porous Media
Phys. Rev. B1, 41, No.10, 7322 (1990).
- 26. A. Ohi and T. Nakayama
Percolative Diffusion of Dissolved 3He Atoms in He II through Porous Media
J. Low Temp. Phys. 81, No.5/6, 349 (1991).
- 27. H. Shima Hand T. Nakayama
Dielectric anomaly in coupled rotor systems
Phys. Rev. B 69 (3), 035202 (2004).
- 28. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Orienting coupled quantum rotors by ultrashort laser pulses
Phys. Rev. A 70 (1), 013401 (2004).
- 29. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Low-temperature anomalies of crystalline Ge with O-impurities
Journal of Physical Society of Japan 73(9)2464-2468(2004)
- 30. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Glass-like behavior of crystalline Ge with O-impurities at low temperatures
Phys. Sta. Sol. (c) 1(11) 2884-2887(2004)
- 31. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Dielectric response of interacting oxygen defects in germanium
Phy. Stat. Sol. (c)1(11) 2933-2936(2004)
- 32. H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Interacting quantum rotors in oxygen-doped germanium
Physical Review B 71 (15): 155210, 2005
- H. Shima and T. Nakayama
Enhanced orientation of interacting polar molecules
Microelectronics Journal 36 (3-6): 586-588, 2005
Soft Matters
- 1. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
Vibrational Dynamics of Cluster-Cluster Aggregations
Phys. Rev. B 57, 4426 (1998).
- 2. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
Sol-gel transition of reversible cluster-cluster aggregations
Phys. Rev. E 58, 3494 (1998).
- 3. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
Vibrational characteristics of cluster-cluster aggregations
Physica B 263&264, pp.317-320 (1999).
- 4. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
Crystallization in quasi-two-dimensional colloidal systems at an air-water interface
Phys. Rev. E 60(6), pp. 7157-7162 (1999).
- 5. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
Light scattering intensity on reversible cluster-cluster aggregations
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 11, pp. 7071-7078 (1999).
- 6. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
Localization nature of vibrational excitations on cluster-cluster aggregation
Fractals 7(3), pp. 249-255 (1999).
- 7. T. Terao and T.Nakayama
Bond-orientational order of 2D colloidal crystal
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 138, pp.386-387 (2000).
- 8. T. Terao and T. Nakayama
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